lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

Post 4: MUSIC

·         Now you have the chance to write about your favourite music: singers/bands/music styles.
·         Tell us when and how was the first time that you hear their music.
·         Say why you ended up liking this music.
·       Demonstrate that you are a fan of their music.
·       Add any other piece of information you considered relevant
·         Remember:
ü  organize your ideas well
ü  express your opinions or experiences in a coherent way
ü  your writing must have a guiding thread
ü  divide your composition into paragraphs
·         Comments: leave a comment on my post and on 3 of your classmates posts
·         Word Count: 200 words

Today I’ll let you know about a “guilty pleasure” of mine; my favourite female latin singer “Ana Gabriel”
I remember that I was 13 years old the first time that I heard a song from her called “Simplemente Amigos”; actually I heard and watched it at the same time because I saw her video clip on my granny’s black & white TV.
I got immediately impressed by her powerful rough voice, her interpretation was full of emotion, every single word sung by her sounded so true; it was as if she had been sharing an episode of her life, maybe she was!!!
It is also interesting to highlight that she isn’t the prototype of beauty; some people would dare to say that she is ugly, but that made her even more appealing to me; a real Mexican woman singing her grief in such a peculiar way like no one did before, so true to herself.
   Here you can find her single "Simplemente Amigos"
After discovering her in 1989 I started to buy many of her albums in cassette format, like “Tierra De Nadie”, “Quien Como Tú”, “En Vivo” (here she sings “Hasta Que Te Conoci”); then when the CDs became popular I bought these same albums again in digital format and I added “30 Grandes Éxitos” to my collection. Finally, I started to get all her new singles on the Internet using eMule.
For many years it has been said that she is a lesbian and based on her latest statements given to the press I can say that most probably she is but I think maybe that’s is one of the many reasons why she is such a special artist and this makes me admire her even more.
If I had to make a “mea culpa” it would be that I have never seen her singing live. Shame on me!!!

domingo, 21 de abril de 2019

Post 3: PETS (your favourite animal)

·         Now you have the chance to write about current or past pets of yours.
·         If you have never had the chance of having a pet before or you don’t like the idea of having one please explain the reasons why in detail.
·         If you don’t have a pet but there is a wild animal you find appealing or interesting please write about it in full.
·         Remember:
ü  organize your ideas well
ü  express your opinions or experiences in a coherent way
ü  your writing must have a guiding thread
ü  divide your composition into paragraphs
·         Comments: leave a comment on my post + 3 of your classmates posts
·         Word Count: 180 words

During the course of my life I have had a lot of pets, cats mainly, dogs, fish and I even had a rabbit; however “the dog is the man’s best friend”, no question about it.
This is not just my opinion I am simply quoting the common phrase about domestic dogs, referring to their millennia-long history of close relations, loyalty, and companionship with humans (first recorded use of the phrase in the 18th century).
Leaving controversy behind I am going to tell you about my “Copito”. He was left outside my window when he was a very little puppy. I noticed he was there because of his crying but as soon as I saw him I knew he was a gift sent to me so I decided to adopt him right way and since then we have shared a lot of experiences.
He has made me company and shown his affection towards me for over ten years, I have seen him grow and grow old too.
It is easy to love an animal at its young age when it is healthy and playful but having a pet is a huge responsibility, it is a commitment with another living being that will need your care for the rest of its life, especially during its golden years, where special food, permanent intake of palliative medicines, frequent visits to the veterinarian and even medical procedures are part of its necessities. 
Both of us were so young!

domingo, 14 de abril de 2019

 The best Holidays/Concert ever
Dear Students, this time you have to write about the best holidays or concert you've been to.

You should mention:


- when it was

- where you went
- how long it was
- people you went with
- things/activities you did
- why it has been the best so far
- any other relevant info

- when / where it was

- the artist you saw
- a bit of info about the artist
- describe the atmosphere during the event
- describe how you felt and why you              enjoyed it
- any other memories about it
Wordcount: 170
Leave comments on 3 of your classmates posts + 1 comment on my post. 


2 summers ago, some friends of mine and I travelled to the south of Chile and Argentina; we went all over several places such as Torres del Paine, Usuahia and Puerto Williams among others.

Our original plan was to go trekking and camping in Torres del Paine and hopefully being able to complete the famous “O” circuit, however we couldn’t get all the necessary camping site reservations so in the end we just stayed there for 3 days. Nevertheless it was an exciting adventure, very demanding physically speaking but at the same time really rewarding since we had the chance of being in contact with nature and seeing such spectacular landscapes.
After that we decided to improvise and we went to Usuahia, an Argentinian city located in Tierra del Fuego, also known as “El Fin del Mundo” for being the most southern city of the world (according to the Argentines) The finnest memory I have from that place was the lamb we ate at a local restaurant, it was simply delicious, the best I've ever tried!!! Then we travelled by boat to Puerto Williams and there we went trekking in Los Dientes del Navarino. Finally, we flew to Punta Arenas on an “avioneta” for taking our flight back to Santiago.
These have been my best holidays so far, because we knew beautiful places, nice people and had a lot of fun. This was the first time the four of us travelled and shared together for that long (it was a two-week holiday) and we got along just fine!!!

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019


Dear Students, read the questions carefully and based on your answers let your imagination flow and express your ideas in paragraphs.
REMEMBER: the last 2 items are mandatory.

- Which country would you like to go to? Why?
- What do you know about it?
- What would you like to do there?
- Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain.
- Upload pictures
- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post
- Word Count: 160 words

A country I would like to go is New Zealand. It is an island country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean and it is part of the insular continent Oceania along with Australia, Papua New Guinea and other achipelagoes.
A friend of mine lived there for almost a year and from that experience she holds the fondest memories of her life being in "The Land of the Kiwis".
I would love to go there, not on vacation but for studying something related to my profession at The University of Auckland; a diploma perhaps or even a master or doctorate program if given the chance of winning a scholarship.
Why studying there and not in any other English speaking country? There are many reasons; first, New Zealand is located in the southern hemisphere so I think the climate could be kind of similar to the one in Chile, besides, both countries share the same ocean, there are also mountains and volcanoes and furthermore, earthquakes occur frequently there so I would not feel very homesick, at least that is what I think!!!

Level 4 >> Post 10: English Language Challenges * What comments can you make about your experience learning English at universi...