lunes, 8 de abril de 2019


Dear Students, read the questions carefully and based on your answers let your imagination flow and express your ideas in paragraphs.
REMEMBER: the last 2 items are mandatory.

- Which country would you like to go to? Why?
- What do you know about it?
- What would you like to do there?
- Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain.
- Upload pictures
- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post
- Word Count: 160 words

A country I would like to go is New Zealand. It is an island country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean and it is part of the insular continent Oceania along with Australia, Papua New Guinea and other achipelagoes.
A friend of mine lived there for almost a year and from that experience she holds the fondest memories of her life being in "The Land of the Kiwis".
I would love to go there, not on vacation but for studying something related to my profession at The University of Auckland; a diploma perhaps or even a master or doctorate program if given the chance of winning a scholarship.
Why studying there and not in any other English speaking country? There are many reasons; first, New Zealand is located in the southern hemisphere so I think the climate could be kind of similar to the one in Chile, besides, both countries share the same ocean, there are also mountains and volcanoes and furthermore, earthquakes occur frequently there so I would not feel very homesick, at least that is what I think!!!

17 comentarios:

  1. Ooh teacher, that good!!. I wish I could go there soon.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I would like to study on NZ too, it's sounds interesting!:)

  4. I hope that you can visit New Zealand and enter to the University of Auckland!

  5. New Zealand sounds great! The photos are amazing, is a very beautiful country!:D

  6. This pictures of New Zealand makes me want to go!

  7. I knew that Four seasons in one day is not that unusual in New Zealand.

  8. I'd like to go to NZ too, your post really inspires me.

  9. I have no idea that Chile and NZ have many things in common, that´s interesting

  10. New Zealand sounds great, i hope that it is like Chile and you dont feel homesick.

  11. I want to visit Brazil for studying too because I love South America but i didn't know that New Zeland was so beautiful, I'm going to look for more information, thank you!

  12. Oh wow! New Zealand is a beautiful place to visit!


  13. I really hope that you have the opportunity to continue your studies in New Zealand!

  14. I see that you really want to visit him! you could ask her friend about New Zeland freak date! :)

  15. How interesting is the place you would like to visit, although I hope you do not tremble haha!


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