domingo, 14 de abril de 2019

 The best Holidays/Concert ever
Dear Students, this time you have to write about the best holidays or concert you've been to.

You should mention:


- when it was

- where you went
- how long it was
- people you went with
- things/activities you did
- why it has been the best so far
- any other relevant info

- when / where it was

- the artist you saw
- a bit of info about the artist
- describe the atmosphere during the event
- describe how you felt and why you              enjoyed it
- any other memories about it
Wordcount: 170
Leave comments on 3 of your classmates posts + 1 comment on my post. 


2 summers ago, some friends of mine and I travelled to the south of Chile and Argentina; we went all over several places such as Torres del Paine, Usuahia and Puerto Williams among others.

Our original plan was to go trekking and camping in Torres del Paine and hopefully being able to complete the famous “O” circuit, however we couldn’t get all the necessary camping site reservations so in the end we just stayed there for 3 days. Nevertheless it was an exciting adventure, very demanding physically speaking but at the same time really rewarding since we had the chance of being in contact with nature and seeing such spectacular landscapes.
After that we decided to improvise and we went to Usuahia, an Argentinian city located in Tierra del Fuego, also known as “El Fin del Mundo” for being the most southern city of the world (according to the Argentines) The finnest memory I have from that place was the lamb we ate at a local restaurant, it was simply delicious, the best I've ever tried!!! Then we travelled by boat to Puerto Williams and there we went trekking in Los Dientes del Navarino. Finally, we flew to Punta Arenas on an “avioneta” for taking our flight back to Santiago.
These have been my best holidays so far, because we knew beautiful places, nice people and had a lot of fun. This was the first time the four of us travelled and shared together for that long (it was a two-week holiday) and we got along just fine!!!

19 comentarios:

  1. Oh¡¡ teacher that's great¡¡. With My friends We also feel like taking a trip like this :)

  2. i love the first photo,I´d like a lot to travel with friends at places like this

  3. Travelling with your friends around the world is invaluable, but maybe the next time you could go to another city and try the urban life beside landscapes

  4. I think it's an amazing place! I'd really like to go there someday!

  5. in there it's very cold, I hope to know that place someday.

  6. It seems like a beatiufl travel. You should had been very tired to the end of the trip.

  7. I really want travel one day around the world, I never can pass the Andes Mountains to argentina :(

  8. I'd like to go there someday in my life! Sounds very cool, and I LOVE the photos, you look very happy! Travel is the best thing in the world! <3

  9. I really like travel with friends, it gives you such a beuatiful memories!

  10. it´s my dream go to Torres del paine, your pictures are beautifuls.

  11. Improvise is the best thing you can do while you're travelling!

  12. I'd like to go there too, but I'm too lazy for trekking jajaja.

  13. Trekking sounds interesting, you can visit so beautiful places doing a sport like that and with your friends to make the journey more funny and happy, i´d like to invite you to try being vegan because i felt so sorry for that lamb:(

  14. I would like to visit the places you went with your friends! You seems so happy traveling around the south of the continent.

  15. I want to travel to the south of Chile too! Your pictures are cool.

  16. I wish I could go to the south of Chile with my friends, I can imagine the fun!

  17. What is interesting about the "O" circuit, I will keep it in mind when I go to Punta Arenas!

  18. I went to Torres del Paine too and I think that it's my favorite place in the world.


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