domingo, 21 de abril de 2019

Post 3: PETS (your favourite animal)

·         Now you have the chance to write about current or past pets of yours.
·         If you have never had the chance of having a pet before or you don’t like the idea of having one please explain the reasons why in detail.
·         If you don’t have a pet but there is a wild animal you find appealing or interesting please write about it in full.
·         Remember:
ü  organize your ideas well
ü  express your opinions or experiences in a coherent way
ü  your writing must have a guiding thread
ü  divide your composition into paragraphs
·         Comments: leave a comment on my post + 3 of your classmates posts
·         Word Count: 180 words

During the course of my life I have had a lot of pets, cats mainly, dogs, fish and I even had a rabbit; however “the dog is the man’s best friend”, no question about it.
This is not just my opinion I am simply quoting the common phrase about domestic dogs, referring to their millennia-long history of close relations, loyalty, and companionship with humans (first recorded use of the phrase in the 18th century).
Leaving controversy behind I am going to tell you about my “Copito”. He was left outside my window when he was a very little puppy. I noticed he was there because of his crying but as soon as I saw him I knew he was a gift sent to me so I decided to adopt him right way and since then we have shared a lot of experiences.
He has made me company and shown his affection towards me for over ten years, I have seen him grow and grow old too.
It is easy to love an animal at its young age when it is healthy and playful but having a pet is a huge responsibility, it is a commitment with another living being that will need your care for the rest of its life, especially during its golden years, where special food, permanent intake of palliative medicines, frequent visits to the veterinarian and even medical procedures are part of its necessities. 
Both of us were so young!

18 comentarios:

  1. copito looks like the perfect life partner.

    P.S: the following topic could be the favourite food.

  2. People should never abandone dogs, as Copito there is a lot of love and parnership in everyone of them
    P.S: Hobbies

  3. Copito seems like a very nice dog, he looks a little like my first dog. Nice.

    P.S: Friends (Tv show)

  4. I think that too, it is easy to love an animal, is hard to take care of them. You have to be very responsable because they need a lot of you.

    Mili, my cat, was abandoned for someone and now she is happy and beautiful.

    P.S: My first day at the university.

  5. Copito is very beauty! I love dogs! But the cats are better! ;)

    P.S: the following topic could be "Music"

  6. I agree with you, having a pet is a huge responsability, but we take that responsability for love.

    P.S: the following topic could be music.

  7. As you wrote, we have to take care of our old animal friends. Love them when they are young and also when they are old.

    P.S: My favorite food

  8. Copito is a beautiful dog, and the most beautiful is the experience to group up whit him

    P.S: the following topic could be music

  9. I like a lot the last pic! It is seens that you had been share a lot of moments with Copito!

  10. What a cute dog. And you're right, caring for a dog is just as important as a person's¡¡

  11. I very agree with u that “the dog is the man’s best friend”! I really love dogs <3

  12. I´m so sorry for him, I hate the people that lives their pets like the have no feelings, but I'm gald that you save him, good for you:)
    ps: favorite music stars or sports

  13. Copito is a very cute dog, he looks very playful! he seems to be a great company!
    P.S: hobby

  14. i really love dog´s, and i agree with you “the dog is the man’s best friend”, but also i thing that cats are greats.
    Ps. My favorite food

  15. Copito is really cute!, he is similar to Simón, my dog hahahah
    PS: Climate change

  16. Your dog looks so cute! I prefer dogs than cats. Hopefully in a near future i'll have another pet
    PS. I suggest music as our next topic!

  17. Copito looks so cute and happy with you!
    Ps: next blog can be of favorite books

  18. I am in love with Copito. I think the dogs are best of the world!


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