lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

LEVEL 4 - Post 5: My Future Job 

  • What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it?
  • Outdoors / indoors?
  • Would you like to travel a lot in your job?
  • What about the salary?
  • What major are you studying / are you thinking of taking? Explain why
  •  Add any other related ideas.
  • Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post.
  • Word Count: 210 words

It is difficult for me to think about doing another job different from the one I do now since I love teaching; it has been such a rewarding job even though the payment is never good enough in comparison with other professions.
Modesty aside XD
However, I remember that when I was younger I made an attempt to work at a cruise company. It did not work out but I imagine that if I had gotten the job, it would have been a great opportunity for knowing beautiful places of the world and interesting people of different nationalities; apart from that, the idea of staying on a cruise while being in the middle of the ocean has been until now something very appealing to me.

Of course I would have had to work very hard, probably during long shifts and for sure I would have ended up really tired after finishing work but according to what I know the salary is good; nevertheless I think that it had been an advantageous learning experience which would have made me grow professionally speaking as well as in personal matters.

On the other hand, thinking about the future, I would like to work for the Ministry of Education. Having an office work it would be just fine, taking into consideration the benefits of a steady job with a contract and salary stability. 
Nowadays I am finishing a Master (working on my thesis) but maybe I would need to study a Doctorate in order to get a position in the ministry... or to have a really good “PITUTO”!!!

15 comentarios:

  1. Unfortunately in Chile, as long as you do not have a good pituto, it is difficult to get a good job. Meritocracy is a lie! :(

  2. Wow a job in a cruise company would be awesome. And Lucky with that pituto.

  3. It is a surprise that you actually find the one thing that makes you happy. It surprises me cause I cannot imagine myself doing only one thing when we are speaking of jobs.

  4. Teaching is an amazing profession, I also love doing that

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. When I was a child I wanted to be an English Teacher. :)
    Good look in your thesis!

  7. A friend of mine also wanted to work in a cruise company, but she is studying gastronomy c:

  8. I want to be a teacher too, but I want to teach history. A doctorate is a dream for me too.

  9. I wish the best good luck finishing your thesis, and hope you can be able to work in the ministery.

  10. We share the love for pedagogy! I hope that in some future I can work in the Ministry of Education hahaha!

  11. the pedagogy is a beautiful job, but I am not a person to really will work in terms of education

  12. I hope you can get that job! :) sounds interesting

  13. I think to be a teacher you have to have a vocation, and it shows!

  14. I think the topic of you thesis is so interesting


Level 4 >> Post 10: English Language Challenges * What comments can you make about your experience learning English at universi...