lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019


v  Write about a postgraduate course that you would consider taking in the future.
ü  Reasons to do the course
ü  Subject(s) you would like to study
ü  Where you would like to study (Chile or abroad)
ü  How you would like to study (distance learning, blended system, part-time course, etc)
ü  Any other relevant ideas

v  Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post.
v  Word Count: 220 words

As mentioned before on my previous blog, I'm currently working on my master thesis, the name of the postgraduate program is “Magister en Educación con mención en Inglés como Idioma Extranjero”. It's kind of a long name for a master's degree, isn’t it??? It is an on site class program and since I finished and passed all the courses I can say that I am a master candidate.
Going back to the past, I remember that as soon as I finished my pregrade program at university I started to recieve job offers from schools and after teaching at 2 institutions for almost a year I realized that it wasn't what I wanted to keep doing with the test of my life because it was very hard and difficult to deal with adolescents who didn’t want to learn and saw the teacher as their enemy.

However, a colleague of mine and former university classmate recommended me for a job at a profesional  institute and since then I never stopped working in higher education; some of the places I worked at were IP La Araucana, CFT Manpower, IP Los Leones, CFT Santo Tomás, etc.
After some years and because I was making a career teaching in the area I realized that a master's  degree was necessary to ensure my continuity. 

My first option was a Master in Education at The University of Auckland in New Zealand but only if I won a CONICYT scholarship. Unfortunately, I couldn't apply in the end and in order not to lose more time I decided to study it here in Chile at Universidad Central.
I don't regret that decision because it was a good opportunity to refresh some knowledge, learn some other and keep up with current teaching and learning methods and approaches. Besides, nowadays it's almost mandatory to have all competences certified. 
Regarding the future I’d like to study a "Diplomado en Fonética Inglesa"; there was one at Universidad Santo Tomás but it was a classroom training program in IQUIQUE!!! Although I have family there who would gladly receive me, travelling back and forth an entire semester it would be something to meditate on most definitely!!!
to study it or not to study it?

14 comentarios:

  1. I think, maybe, your post could be relationed with mine. Maybe music could be a very good way tu developt your idea, I hope you can read my post and be useful to you

  2. The major sounds very good, you should do it.

  3. It sounds like a very difficult major "Diplomado en Fonética Inglesa" most be hard. Iquique is far but is a beautiful place and also to be in an other location always is good for yourself!

  4. I also want to study in the university of Auckland, but just an English Course

  5. I hope you can also do a diplomado in the future!

  6. You should study the "Diplomado en Fonética Inglesa", learn new things is always good!

  7. Keep working on your thesis, it's a very good idea, an interesting topic!

  8. your thesis sound very interesting, I'd really like to read it when you finish!

  9. i have always said that the sutendts of the school are difficult

  10. make it real your dream, maybe the travel to stablish in iquique is a important decision but will be satisfactory to you in the future

  11. I thing the "Diplomado en Fonética Inglesa" it is an excellent option!

  12. Oh, is it really hard to work with teenagers? I imagine, especially a subject in another language. The good thing he found what he likes to do ...

  13. I hope that you archieve your goals!
    Good Blog!

  14. You should keep trying to apply abroad!!! :)


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