martes, 11 de junio de 2019


Write about some changes that could be made to your study programme (major)
Among others, think about:

> The curriculum (the subjects you have to study)
> Workload and length of studies
> Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure)
> Use of technology
> Teaching methods

- Word Count: 250
- Leave comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts and one on mine.

This time I will have to make a big effort to think about my study programme since I left university several years ago and in time you usually end up remembering just the positive things specially when you consider that the decision made was the correct one.

Nevertheless, taking into account the curriculum that I had back then I remember it didn't prepare the future teachers to face disruptive students and even less to deal with a disruptive and crowded classroom environment, which sadly is the reality of many schools nowadays and makes the task of teaching a real challenge.

All methods, approaches and learning strategies were exemplified thinking of an ideal student in the perfect learning atmosphere, too unrealistic!!! At least for our country :( 

In those years were possible to teach a subject at schools without having the degree via a special permit granted by Ministry of Education but only under the condition of being studying the corresponding major, so there were several classmates of mine who were already working teaching at schools and they talked to us, even in front of our proffessors, about the current educational reality and its many flaws.

I am completely unaware if the curriculum for pedagogies has been changed or modified but without any doubts subjects which provide the future teachers the necessary tools to face the current educational system in depth and in truth should be mandatory (my opinion)

Regarding the length of the programme, I know a lot more now than when I graduated from university, so you must never stop learning, always keep yourself curious; this is how I see it.

Concerning the faculty facilities and use of technology, I studied at a good big private university so there were no issues about that ;-P 

9 comentarios:

  1. When I read things like this I start asking myself if it is really important that degree

  2. I am very agree with never stop learning, studying is very interesting to me :)

  3. I would love very much to be a teacher in the future because I think that things can change and also think that the fight is against the system that keeps children away from knowledge.

  4. How great that there are no problems with the use of technology at your university!

    Good Blog! :D

  5. oooh that true, in fact the races in general I think they are unreal, the faculty is a bubble!

  6. That is true, you never stop learning. Regards

  7. I think that is very important to keep learning too!

  8. I also believe that you never stop lerning, and that the university in not the only learning space.

  9. yeah! the university is a great place to learn, but we must discover others :)


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