lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

Level 4 >> Post 10: English Language Challenges

* What comments can you make about your experience learning English at university? 
* What about the use of blogs?
* What aspects of your English need to be improved and how do you plan to do this?
* Outside the English class, how much are you using English these days? What for?

- Wordcount: 260
- Leave comments on 3 of your classmates' posts and one on mine.

Dear students, this is our last blog session!!!

There are 4 skills in English that are meant to be developed when learning the language: writing, speaking, reading and listening; even though most people would say that "speaking” is the most difficult one to be acquired the truth is that "writing" gets the first place in terms of complexity and accuracy.

Writing Blogs is a good opportunity to put in practice our knowledge, to exercise it and to improve it and therefore to increase it.

We are living in a globalized world where the common language for doing business and exchanging information such as advances in medicine and science is English.
All relevant research results if given the case of having them published must be done in English since international magazines are in the so called “Universal Language”.

It is a known fact that for example when doing business with China enterprises there’s no need to know Mandarin but English; first approaches via email and the following contracts are written in this foreign language.
Covenants among universities from different countries are agreed in English too.

Summarizing: in modern society the way of communicating is through e-mails and texting; relations among friends, employer-employee, teacher-student, companies, universities, governments and so forth are importantly carried on in a written manner.
Nowadays our mobile phones are used more for writing rather than speaking.

Therefore WRITING is and has been a skill of great significance, in any language, and its communication value and usefulness go hand by hand with the everyday development of a more modern society

One last piece of advice: speak as you write and not the other way around, especially when formality is a must and you’ll prove yourself worthy of using the language of William Shakespeare.

16 comentarios:

  1. Thank you professor for the advice ... I will try to put it into practice :)

  2. I believe music is that Universal Languaje. However, the English Languaje appaers to be the languaje of the most popular songs around the world. Maybe the writting or speaking of this songs is not excelent but they are listen around the whole world. Maybe that is the reasons because today we think English languaje is the Universal Languaje nowadays.

  3. I'm afraid that speaking and wirting English by a fomal way is one of the things that makes me very difficult to learn. Thank you teacher!

  4. I also think that writing is one of the most important steps to learn English, most for people that is studying social sciences in a country with not so many information about it. We need to read and write in English to create knowledge.

  5. I have problems to speak english in my daily live but I will try to follow your advise!

  6. I also believe that speaking is very hard, the pronunciation is so difficult to me :(

  7. I think the most difficult skill of English is speaking, with the correct pronunciation

  8. I use to think that speaking is more difficult that writing, but making the blogs I realize that writing is difficult too :c

  9. In modern society the use of English is already perpetuated as a global lenguaje. We are required to learn English! jaja

  10. Sometimes I also have issues with the speaking part of the English, I think is more related with the pronunciation, but I´m agree, that is the hardest part

  11. I will take your advice, I need that and more :'(

  12. In my weak terms of english the pronunciation is the problems that i always have, and i want to improve this part in my live in English as much in Spanish

  13. i only use the English to wach series, but i will try to follow your advise.

  14. I still think that speak is the most difficult ability

  15. I think I need to develop more my way of speaking and my vocabulary haha

  16. I think your advice is very helpfull, I will try it.


Level 4 >> Post 10: English Language Challenges * What comments can you make about your experience learning English at universi...